5th International Exhibition for Cosmetics and Hygiene

19-21 June 2025 Dakar, SENEGAL

BCH WEST AFRICA, one of the most important trade fair organizations in West Africa, will take place from 19-21 June 2025 at the same time with our Food Food Processing and Packaging Exhibiton.

Senegal and West African countries are among the needs of Cosmetics, Beauty and Hygiene products.  BCH  addresses the 300 million population around Dakar and its environs because of being a member of West African Union and a trade center of the region.

Senegal, have experienced no coup d'état and has become a model for other countries with its stable governments and growth rates and works as the heart of its entire region trade as the locomotive of its region


Senegal’s strategic location as a competitive gateway, underpinned by Free Trade Area with the other ECOWAS countries, makes it an ideal venue for the staging of the BCH.